Sunday, January 3, 2010

Miscellaneous Items - 1/3/10

Wishes for a Great Year.  We wish all of you a great year in 2010.  Thank you for taking time to read about what is happening in Illahee and thank you for sending us information that we can pass on to others.  

Our First 2010 Goal.  One of our first goals for 2010 is to have the Updates  and other Illahee information regularly posted on the website.  If anyone would like to help please respond to this email or our website.

New Port of Illahee Commissioner.  We received the following press release from the Port of Illahee and congratulate Mike Mantzke as our new Port of Illahee Commissioner.

At the Port meeting on Thursday, December 10, 2009, Commissioner George Schaefer administered the Oath of Office for re-elected Commissioner Dennis Sheeran and for newly appointed Commissioner Mike Mantzke.  The Port of Illahee now has a full board of three Commissioners.  Commissioner Sheeran thanked the candidates who applied and stated it was a hard decision to select between the candidates.  He also advised Commissioner Mantzke that he had big shoes to fill, replacing Commissioner Deitch who was an Icon in the Illahee community for many years.

New Port Acquisition.  The Port also send the following information of their new property acquisition.

On Tue Dec 22nd, the Port signed papers and now owns the house and property at 5560 Oceanview Blvd.   Port meetings will be held at this location in the “Dallas Clarke” meeting room, at 5pm, on the second Wed of each month, starting Jan 13, 2010.  Parking is available at the Dock and the old Illahee store.

Relatively Rare Goose in Illahee.  On New Years Day we were asked about the pink footed goose in Illahee.  It took us awhile to spot it among the Canada geese in the area, and sure enough there was a goose with pink feet.  The feather colorings are similar to the Canada geese so it wasn't readily noticeable, though it had white just back of its bill. 

Greater White-fronted Goose.  Turns out the goose is a greater white-fronted goose, that seems to have found some new friends with the Canada geese, and possibly more as it seems to be paired up with a Canada goose.

Monogamous Geese.  Seems like both species (white-fronted and Canada geese) are generally monogamous, so we are wondering what is going to happen when spring approaches, as the white-fronted goose is an artic dweller during the breeding season.  We have attached the following link for those who might want more information on the species:

Picture Attached.  We were able to photograph the goose but the quality of the photo is not very good since we don't have a good zoom lens.  We will try to keep tabs on this goose and would appreciate help from others who might spot it.

Jim Aho