Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Community Meeting Scheduled For Aug 22 - 8/12/09

Illahee Community Meeting Sceduled for Saturday August 22nd.  We have been asked to let Illahee citizens know that an Illahee Community meeting has been scheduled for Saturday afternoon August 22, 2009.  While August is the month for a quarterly meeting, it is timely as one of the major items on the agenda will be to discuss and vote on the Illahee Proposal of what the community would like to see with the Timbers Edge development.  This is two days prior to the County Commissioner's hearing the Community's appeal of the approval of the Timbers Edge project.  The meeting place is the Library on Sylvan Way with the meeting starting at 1:30 pm.
Letter to the Illahee Community.  We just saw an advance copy of a "Letter to the Illahee Community Concerning The Timbes Edge Project."  Evidently it is being printed and the Illahee Community Club is looking for residents to distribute copies to their neighborhoods.  We were told that Judy Krigsman has agreed to pick up the copies on Friday and that she will try and coordinate the distribution to make sure each resident in Illahee gets a copy.  It will likely be next week before the copies will be passed out, so be patient.
Illahee Community Map.  The letter contains a map showing the Illahee Community boundaries, which should be helpful to many in Illahee who are often confused as to whether they are Illahee residents or not.  The confusion is primarily for those who don't live in the historic section of Illahee.  This map has been needed for a long time and we are glad to see it being distributed throughout the Illahee Community.
So Who Will Distribute?  Some have already offered to distribute letters.  If you can help, call Judy at 792-6934 (she said she may not always be there, so leave a message).  Last time this kind of distribution was done, kids were paid to distribute letters to areas that didn't receive them.  If you know of any kids who would like to help, pass that information to Judy.
Jim Aho