Saturday, November 8, 2008

Miscellaneous Items - 11/8/08

Noise From Gillnetters. We had reports from some Midwest people that is sounded like it was pheasant hunting season in Illahee on Friday with all the shotgun blasts. It was also reported there were a few less seals on the area floats on Saturday morning. Evidently the shotgun noise was coming from the gillnetters protecting their catches from the seals.

People Passing Away. We haven't always known what to do when local Illahee residents pass away. Do we wait for the obituary to show up in the paper, which sometimes can be weeks, or do we just pass on whatever we know? There will be a website advisory group meeting soon that will discuss what should be reported. We have decided to pass the information on when we receive it as sometimes neighbors aren't always aware or they may be on travel.

Helga Wright Passing. We were notified Friday of Helga Wright's passing. It doesn't seem like it was very many years ago when her husband died. It was quite sudden. The following was received from one of her neighbors:

Helga Wright passed away yesterday afternoon. She was admitted to Harrison Tuesday for stomach problems, operated on Wednesday and because of severe complications wasn't expected to survive much longer. Her family decided to take her off life support 2 PM yesterday. We'll miss her.

CAG Near Final List. We have completed compiling the list of Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) members that were involved with the Illahee Community Plan between 2006 to 2008. The county supplied the 2008 list, and the community supplied the names from 2006 through 2007. Since the names will soon be listed in the Plan we have printed the list here. If you helped and your name isn't on it, please let us know asap as the names will be sent to the county on Monday, 11/10/08.

John & Marilyn Adair, Elysa Aho, Kay & James Aho, Irene & Jack Aylward, Vicki Bartlett, Barney Bernhard, Audrey Boyer, Emily Boyer, Dale Boyle, Cynthia Brackstad, Jim & Kathy Brady, Tom Brittell, Bob & Julie Brooke, Michael D Brownell, Steve Bryant, Hugh Coe, Terry & Julie Cox, Delores Crist, Gwen Detweiler, Don Dietch, Dolores Doninger, Dedrick & Deloris Easely, Merrill Evans, Kathleen & Martin Francom, Michael Greer, Barb Gutierrez, David Haynes, James & Sabine Hazel, Bob & Carol Henning, Cindy Holben, Steve Jackson, James & Sandy Jacobson, Don Jahaske, Robert H & Doris B Jarvis, Berni Johnston, Laurie Jones, Teresa Jones, Bill Kettenring, Irwin & Judy Krigsman, Merilee Kuklinski,Laural Kuklinski, John & Peg Lesser, John R. & Arlene Lind, Sharon Looper, Lynn Lund, Rodney & Marina Mansfield, Mike Mantzke, Dennis M May, William & Pat McCauley, Danya McConnell, Wayne & Jan Morris, Larry Newton, Michael Nicolaus, Arden Norvold, Nancy Nystrom, Joe & Joyce O'Hara, Tom & Katie Proteau, Tom Rutter, Steve Ryder, George Schaefer, Christie Schultz, Dennis Sheeran, Lenny Smith, Lynn Smith, Jim & Judy Stelson, Cathy & Paul Stensen, Chris & Lynn Stone, Anthony Strickland, Jim & Alice Trainer, Hazel Witte, Rob Woutat, Dan & Mary Ann Wright

Jim Aho

1 comment:

  1. Noticed you were up and running again.

    Not much action on your blog, but then the Sun doesn't have much either and it is widely circulated.

    Nice number of members on your CAG.

    Good luck when you try to get the county's approval.
