Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meetings & Responses - 5/11/08

Reminder of Two Important Upcoming Meetings

Appeal Hearing on Monday (5/12/08). The Illahee Community Club's appeal of the Illahee Outfall project will be held Monday evening at 7:15 pm in the Commissioners Chambers at the County Administration building.

Illahee Community Plan Citizens Meeting on Tuesday (5/13/08). The Illahee Community Plan meeting is also being held at the above facility on Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The anticipated agenda is a more thorough review of the Natural Resources chapter of the Plan, which includes many items of importance to Illahee citizens, and likely some other major items.

Information provided by Illahee residents

Seattle Times Article re Stormwater. There was a very timely article in the Seattle Times that talks to many of the issues of concern to Illahee residents that was passed on to us today. The first link is the article and the second an accompanying illustration:

Wildlife Responses. We received several responses to our wildlife update and we wanted to pass two of them on.

Jim, we lost three eagles last week. The PSE wood butchers cut trees within 50 ft. of the eagle nest in Illahee. They were told about the nest and just ignored the advice. They blew the two adult eagles off the nest and the eaglets were in the nest alone and predators killed them The other incident was in Seabeck at Apex Airport. There was a report that an airplane hit an eagle and did not report it. We did see the eagle on the ground and it could not fly and it got away from us in the brush and we searched for two days and could not find it. I am sure the coyotes got the eagle. Regarding the Illahee nest I am working with Shelly Ament, WDFW in developing a color coded eagle map for local tree crews.
Jim Trainer

Its good to know about the bees, I'm not seeing very many here, next door to RUE VILLA. We also have possum, three deer, otter (under my house), seems to be fewer raccoons, I too saw the fish top feeding, I think last Tuesday. We seem to have more Kelp this year and the fronds seem to be about two to three feet. That has not been on our beach since our return 9 years ago.........I was a child here until 19 years old. The bay is so muddy now, its hard to imagine how long it will take to settle out. Probably not in our life time.

Keep passing information to us and we will send it out to the community.

Jim Aho

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