Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miscellaneous Items - 5/19/10

Geese Try to Drown Eagle. We just have to report on this story as we see the number of Canada goose gosling's get fewer each day.

The other day two families of Canada geese were swimming in Illahee when a bald eagle evidently swooped down to get one of the goslings. I heard the commotion and saw three adult Canada geese jumping on top of the eagle and trying to drown it. The eagle eventually got free and left without the gosling, probably just glad to make it out alive as they kept him underwater for some time.

Port Needs Input For Grant. One of the ways the Port of Illahee has been helpful with keeping the tax rate down has been through its success with obtaining grants. The Port is applying for additional grants and they need to show citizen support, in this case either for or against. Please click on the underlined link to see the plan write-up and then email your response to Luis Barrantes or to us and we will forward it on. This is essentially the plan supported by the Illahee Preserve Stewardship Committee, the Illahee Forest Preserve, and the Illahee Community Club, and they would all appreciate you taking the time to comment

The Port of Illahee is applying for 2 grants from the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office. As part of these applications the Port needs to adopt a habitat conservation plan and needs to show that the community is supportive of the plan. So we are asking that the residents read this plan and submit comments. These comments, positive or negative will be submitted as an appendix to the plan as evidence that the community weighed in on the process.
Your comments are very appreciated and since the schedule is very tight for the grant process we ask that your comments be emailed as soon as possible. Like this week sometime.
Thank you,

Kitsap Sun Reports on Settlement. Illahee made the front page of the Kitsap Sun this morning with the following headline: "Accord May End Illahee Land Battle." The Sun heard about the Illahee Community meeting on Monday and called to ask about what had transpired. They also called the Port and Ron Templeton, the attorney for Jim James. We know not everyone gets the Sun so please click on the attached link and read the article as it helps explain why the petitions are needed.

Raccoons. We have noticed a number of raccoons out foraging during the day in Illahee, both inland and along the beaches. We thought they were mostly nocturnal and were surprised to see so many during the middle of the day, including one napping along side the road.

Jim Aho

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