Port of Illahee informational meetings: Fire station #41 Old Military Rd. on Tue 6/1 and Mon 6/14 at 5:30pm. The Port Commissioners want to hear from all Community Members in the Port District. We will have information on the Illahee Plan, the petition from the Illahee Community Club, the Port's opportunity with the Timber Edge option and how these issues could potentially effect community members.
The community blog for Illahee, Washington, located in Kitsap County, between Bremerton and Silverdale. This blog features current issues and news affecting the community. More information about Illahee can be found on our website, illaheecommunity.com, and please visit and "like" us on our Facebook page. We welcome your comments.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Important Meeting & Miscellaneous Items - 5/29/10
Port of Illahee informational meetings: Fire station #41 Old Military Rd. on Tue 6/1 and Mon 6/14 at 5:30pm. The Port Commissioners want to hear from all Community Members in the Port District. We will have information on the Illahee Plan, the petition from the Illahee Community Club, the Port's opportunity with the Timber Edge option and how these issues could potentially effect community members.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Miscellaneous Items - 5/19/10
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Report of Monday's Meeting - 5/18/10
The purposes (goals) of the Illahee Creek Restoration Project are: (1) to acquire Illahee Creek riparian corridor properties including those that constitute prime salmonid spawning and rearing habitat; (2) to restore salmonid use to near historic levels; (3) to restore the natural ecological processes of the riparian corridor and the watershed; (4) to control the storm water surges and excessive sedimentation that plague Illahee Creek and Puget Sound (through retention and bio-retention facilities); (5) to raise the height of the Illahee Creek culvert to compensate for the raised flood plain in the lower reaches of the stream and to prevent the possible washout of the culvert and Illahee Road; (6) to eliminate fecal coliform sources that pollute Illahee Creek; (7) to restore aquifer recharge to levels that support the base flows in Illahee Creek necessary for salmonid use and survival; (8) to inform and educate the local community and the public at large regarding the above issues and involve them in the restoration processes, and(9) to facilitate public use and enjoyment of the anticipated restored natural features and ecological processes of the Illahee Preserve and Illahee Creek.
While Illahee Creek is only a small salmonid player in the West Sound Watersheds area, with only small runs of chum and coho in a good year and intermittent use by steelhead and cutthroat, it is a major polluter of Puget Sound with excessive amounts of sedimentation being deposited into the Sound during storm events. And although much of its stream corridor and watershed consists primarily of prime habitat (65% undeveloped with most of that protected), a relatively small area of early development, constructed before storm water mitigation regulations went into effect, has resulted in over 40 years of excessive sediment pollution of Illahee Creek and Puget Sound. Additionally, Illahee Creek is also impacted by diminishing low base flows during times of low precipitation, along with the presence of fecal coliform pollution in the stream.
Note that significant progress has been made over the last few years to begin to document the issues and accomplish some acquisitions and some restoration, primarily through earlier grants (Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Coastal Protection Fund (CPF), and Department of Ecology (DOE)). It is estimated that roughly 15 -20% has already been accomplished.
Note also that the Illahee Community, the Port of Illahee, the Illahee Preserve support groups, and Kitsap County have additionally committed resources and are working collaboratively to accomplish the purposes and goals of the restoration project, with financial support, volunteer labor, inter-local agreements, etc., and by applying for available grants to keep the project goals moving toward completion.
Petition to Help Save Illahee Creek & Puget Sound
+++ Request for Citizen & Port Help! +++
Illahee is endowed with unique natural features that have resulted in a state park, a community dock, a salmon stream, a large park/nature preserve, and a golf course.
Illahee State Park and the Illahee Preserve purchases were the results of community campaigns to preserve these areas.
The Illahee Preserve was recently expanded (from 352 to 460 acres) through grants and community action (Phase 1) to help protect Illahee Creek.
Excessive sedimentation nevertheless continues to destroy salmon habitat, pollute Illahee Creek and Puget Sound, and threatens to wash out the culvert under Illahee Road. Immediate action is needed to obtain critical watershed properties to help protect the stream and Sound (Phase II).
Fish are also threatened by low base flows (during non-rainy periods). Critical aquifer recharge areas, such as the Timbers Edge properties, are needed to support rain water infiltration necessary to resupply the aquifers and help keep Illahee Creek a viable salmon stream.
We call on citizens to sign this petition and request the Port of Illahee to take the following actions:
That the Port look at grants and means to control the storm water surges that plague fish, Illahee Creek, and Puget Sound, and will impact the community if Illahee Creek culvert washes out.
That the Port pursue grants and other means to protect/secure Illahee’s critical aquifer recharge areas, such as the purchase of the Timbers Edge properties (a willing seller).
That the Port pursue grants and other means to restore Illahee Creek as a fish bearing stream.
That the Port look at means to perpetuate Rolling Hills as a community golf course open to the public.
We understand the “other means” will necessitate temporarily raising Port taxes (a maximum increase of $126 per $250,000 assessed value) for several years, but that the property purchased from these additional taxes will produce revenues that will then decrease Port taxes in the future.
We need to have approval from 500+ residents before the Port will act.
Please return ASAP to:
ICC Petition to Port of Illahee, PO Box 2563, Bremerton, WA 98310
Or give to an Illahee Community Club member who will forward it on.
--------------------------- Please tear off and return the section below, and keep the map & write-up as a reference. ----------------------
_____Yes! I agree with the petition and add my signature in support of the Port taking these actions.
_____No! I am sorry but I cannot support the petition. (Please let us know your reasons.)
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
NAME _____________________________________SIGNATURE__________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________EMAIL__________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________________________PHONE__________________