Saturday, May 29, 2010

Important Meeting & Miscellaneous Items - 5/29/10

Important Meeting. We received the following information about an important Port of Illahee informational meeting on Tuesday evening, and then another one two weeks later. Note: We were hoping to get this information out earlier but have been on a trip and not able to access the internet until now.

Port of Illahee informational meetings: Fire station #41 Old Military Rd. on Tue 6/1 and Mon 6/14 at 5:30pm. The Port Commissioners want to hear from all Community Members in the Port District. We will have information on the Illahee Plan, the petition from the Illahee Community Club, the Port's opportunity with the Timber Edge option and how these issues could potentially effect community members.

Kitsap Sun Letter? We also received a call that there was a lengthy letter to the editor in the Kitsap Sun with some mis-information about the Port of Illahee's position and the Illahee Community's petition. We will try to get more information on the letter and provide a link for those who have not had a chance to read it, including us.

A Complex Solution. We have felt the issues are complex and that the Illahee Community Club needs to come up with a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) sheet to help explain the issues. The early article in the Kitsap Sun evidently rose more questions than could be presented in a short article. We volunteered to help with the FAQ since we received a number of calls and emails from those needing more information. We wish we had gotten to the FAQs before our trip but will be working on in later this upcoming week.

Illahee Preserve Map Signs. Just before we left we were surprised to see that someone had put up map signs at the beginning of the three main trail systems. Below are pictures of two of them, and we want to express thanks to the person/s for their thoughtfulness. A trail sign system is being designed as an Eagle Scout project for installation this summer and it is nice to see volunteers taking care of Preserve needs.

More Info Later. We will be sending out more information later this next week.

Jim Aho

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miscellaneous Items - 5/19/10

Geese Try to Drown Eagle. We just have to report on this story as we see the number of Canada goose gosling's get fewer each day.

The other day two families of Canada geese were swimming in Illahee when a bald eagle evidently swooped down to get one of the goslings. I heard the commotion and saw three adult Canada geese jumping on top of the eagle and trying to drown it. The eagle eventually got free and left without the gosling, probably just glad to make it out alive as they kept him underwater for some time.

Port Needs Input For Grant. One of the ways the Port of Illahee has been helpful with keeping the tax rate down has been through its success with obtaining grants. The Port is applying for additional grants and they need to show citizen support, in this case either for or against. Please click on the underlined link to see the plan write-up and then email your response to Luis Barrantes or to us and we will forward it on. This is essentially the plan supported by the Illahee Preserve Stewardship Committee, the Illahee Forest Preserve, and the Illahee Community Club, and they would all appreciate you taking the time to comment

The Port of Illahee is applying for 2 grants from the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office. As part of these applications the Port needs to adopt a habitat conservation plan and needs to show that the community is supportive of the plan. So we are asking that the residents read this plan and submit comments. These comments, positive or negative will be submitted as an appendix to the plan as evidence that the community weighed in on the process.
Your comments are very appreciated and since the schedule is very tight for the grant process we ask that your comments be emailed as soon as possible. Like this week sometime.
Thank you,

Kitsap Sun Reports on Settlement. Illahee made the front page of the Kitsap Sun this morning with the following headline: "Accord May End Illahee Land Battle." The Sun heard about the Illahee Community meeting on Monday and called to ask about what had transpired. They also called the Port and Ron Templeton, the attorney for Jim James. We know not everyone gets the Sun so please click on the attached link and read the article as it helps explain why the petitions are needed.

Raccoons. We have noticed a number of raccoons out foraging during the day in Illahee, both inland and along the beaches. We thought they were mostly nocturnal and were surprised to see so many during the middle of the day, including one napping along side the road.

Jim Aho

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Report of Monday's Meeting - 5/18/10

Illahee Community Meeting Monday Evening (5-17-10). We attended the Illahee Community meeting on Monday and found out that many have been working quietly behind the scenes to protect and preserve Illahee interests.

Meeting Times Discussed. This meeting was held on a weekday (Monday) evening rather than a weekend and it was the consensus of most that they preferred a weekday evening over a weekend meeting.

Storm Surge Area Identified. Over the years many Illahee residents have wondered where the storm surges originated from that were polluting Illahee Creek and Puget Sound. We saw a map of some 130 acres of land north of the golf course with roads and approximately 400 home/trailer sites where most of the storm water from that area is piped directly under McWilliams Road to the ravine in front of the golf course bridge. When that surge of storm water hits the deeply incised canyons of Illahee Creek it picks up sediment that is carried down Illahee Creek and out into Puget Sound where it can be seen for miles. Many had no idea of the size of that area that was draining (being tight-lined) into Illahee Creek and it helped explain where the surges were coming from and why they had such a devastating impact on the creek and the Sound.

Rain Garden Target Area. Portions of that area are now being targeted for rain gardens to see if they can start to mitigate the surges. The Kitsap Conservation District (KCD) has a Rain Garden Cost Share Program that will help reimburse residents in unincorporated Kitsap County with up to $500 per rain garden (applications and details are available from KCD).

Map of Master Plan. Also presented was an updated Master Plan map showing Phase 1 (completed) and Phase 2 (future) Acquisitions and Conservation Easements, which are needed for the Illahee Preserve/Illahee Creek Restoration Project. (Note that the map is part of the attached partition.)

Illahee Creek Restoration Project. The purposes or goals of the Illahee Creek Restoration Project were presented as they realized many are unaware of the extent of the project. We have included that information below:

The purposes (goals) of the Illahee Creek Restoration Project are: (1) to acquire Illahee Creek riparian corridor properties including those that constitute prime salmonid spawning and rearing habitat; (2) to restore salmonid use to near historic levels; (3) to restore the natural ecological processes of the riparian corridor and the watershed; (4) to control the storm water surges and excessive sedimentation that plague Illahee Creek and Puget Sound (through retention and bio-retention facilities); (5) to raise the height of the Illahee Creek culvert to compensate for the raised flood plain in the lower reaches of the stream and to prevent the possible washout of the culvert and Illahee Road; (6) to eliminate fecal coliform sources that pollute Illahee Creek; (7) to restore aquifer recharge to levels that support the base flows in Illahee Creek necessary for salmonid use and survival; (8) to inform and educate the local community and the public at large regarding the above issues and involve them in the restoration processes, and(9) to facilitate public use and enjoyment of the anticipated restored natural features and ecological processes of the Illahee Preserve and Illahee Creek.

While Illahee Creek is only a small salmonid player in the West Sound Watersheds area, with only small runs of chum and coho in a good year and intermittent use by steelhead and cutthroat, it is a major polluter of Puget Sound with excessive amounts of sedimentation being deposited into the Sound during storm events. And although much of its stream corridor and watershed consists primarily of prime habitat (65% undeveloped with most of that protected), a relatively small area of early development, constructed before storm water mitigation regulations went into effect, has resulted in over 40 years of excessive sediment pollution of Illahee Creek and Puget Sound. Additionally, Illahee Creek is also impacted by diminishing low base flows during times of low precipitation, along with the presence of fecal coliform pollution in the stream.

Note that significant progress has been made over the last few years to begin to document the issues and accomplish some acquisitions and some restoration, primarily through earlier grants (Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Coastal Protection Fund (CPF), and Department of Ecology (DOE)). It is estimated that roughly 15 -20% has already been accomplished.

Note also that the Illahee Community, the Port of Illahee, the Illahee Preserve support groups, and Kitsap County have additionally committed resources and are working collaboratively to accomplish the purposes and goals of the restoration project, with financial support, volunteer labor, inter-local agreements, etc., and by applying for available grants to keep the project goals moving toward completion.

Legal Issues. The appeals by the community to Superior Court and the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB) were discussed with both being settled and dismissed. We will cover the SHB dismissal because it affects what happened next in the meeting.

SHB Dismissal. The dismissal order from the Shorelines Hearing Board was issued earlier this month along with a copy of the "Settlement Agreement." The "Settlement Agreement" had a number of items associated with it and we will try to give a brief summary of the document. There are two main items with the first being that the developer will gift the open space lands to the Illahee Preserve if the SHB appeal is dropped. The second item being the developer will give the Port of Illahee an option to purchase the Timbers Edge properties and they will not begin development until later this year to give the Port time to decide whether they are interested.

Port Position. The Port Commissioners have stated that as elected officials they want to support the community so they need to know what the residents want. The community asked them what they needed and they responded that if over half of the number of voters in the last elections agreed that they should purchase the property which would necessitate raising the tax rate, they would consider it. Roughly half of the residents voted in the last elections (1000 out of roughly 2000 registered voters). This means that the Port would be looking for 500 plus residents to say they would support the Port's actions necessary to purchase the property.

Port Petition. As a result of Port's position, the Illahee Community has come up with a petition drive to see what the will of the people is with regards to the Master Plan and with Timbers Edge. We have attached the complete petition to this email and have included the petition verbiage below:

Petition to Help Save Illahee Creek & Puget Sound

+++ Request for Citizen & Port Help! +++


Illahee is endowed with unique natural features that have resulted in a state park, a community dock, a salmon stream, a large park/nature preserve, and a golf course.

Illahee State Park and the Illahee Preserve purchases were the results of community campaigns to preserve these areas.

The Illahee Preserve was recently expanded (from 352 to 460 acres) through grants and community action (Phase 1) to help protect Illahee Creek.

Excessive sedimentation nevertheless continues to destroy salmon habitat, pollute Illahee Creek and Puget Sound, and threatens to wash out the culvert under Illahee Road. Immediate action is needed to obtain critical watershed properties to help protect the stream and Sound (Phase II).

Fish are also threatened by low base flows (during non-rainy periods). Critical aquifer recharge areas, such as the Timbers Edge properties, are needed to support rain water infiltration necessary to resupply the aquifers and help keep Illahee Creek a viable salmon stream.


We call on citizens to sign this petition and request the Port of Illahee to take the following actions:

That the Port look at grants and means to control the storm water surges that plague fish, Illahee Creek, and Puget Sound, and will impact the community if Illahee Creek culvert washes out.

That the Port pursue grants and other means to protect/secure Illahee’s critical aquifer recharge areas, such as the purchase of the Timbers Edge properties (a willing seller).

That the Port pursue grants and other means to restore Illahee Creek as a fish bearing stream.

That the Port look at means to perpetuate Rolling Hills as a community golf course open to the public.

We understand the “other means” will necessitate temporarily raising Port taxes (a maximum increase of $126 per $250,000 assessed value) for several years, but that the property purchased from these additional taxes will produce revenues that will then decrease Port taxes in the future.

We need to have approval from 500+ residents before the Port will act.

Please return ASAP to:

ICC Petition to Port of Illahee, PO Box 2563, Bremerton, WA 98310

Or give to an Illahee Community Club member who will forward it on.

--------------------------- Please tear off and return the section below, and keep the map & write-up as a reference. ----------------------

_____Yes! I agree with the petition and add my signature in support of the Port taking these actions.

_____No! I am sorry but I cannot support the petition. (Please let us know your reasons.)

Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________




NAME _____________________________________SIGNATURE__________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________EMAIL__________________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________________________PHONE__________________

500 Plus Signatures Needed. As you can see this will be an ambitious task to obtain 500 signatures from the registered voters within the Port of Illahee boundaries (which are essentially the Illahee Community boundaries, with a few exceptions).

Meeting Vote. After a lengthy discussion time with many questions asked, a vote was taken, which passed unanimously. The Port Commissioners stated they would hold additional meetings to give other opportunities for residents to ask questions.

Your Thoughts?. This is a crucial decision point in the life of Illahee and we would like to get your thoughts, whether your agree or not with those who attended the meeting.

Jim Aho

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Important Meeting & Miscellaneous Items - 5/11/10

Illahee Community Meeting Monday 5/17. There is a very important Illahee Community meeting on Monday evening, May 17th, beginning at 6:15 pm, at the Library on Sylvan Way. The consensus at the last meeting was to try and hold community meetings on a weeknight evening rather than a weekend afternoon, as this time of year there are many other competing events.

Critical Topics Will Be Discussed. There are a number of critical items that the Illahee Community Club (ICC) board has been working on for the community and will be discussed at this meeting as noted below.

Superior Court Suit. The ICC filed suit in Superior Court over the fairness doctrine and the issue has been resolved.

Shorelines Hearings Board Suit. The ICC filed suit with the Shorelines Hearings Board and that issue has also been resolved in a unique way.

Settlement Agreement. A settlement agreement was reached with regards to the Timbers Edge development and this settlement needs to be presented to the community at this meeting. Not every one is happy, but if certain things transpire we think the community will benefit.

Phase 2 Acquisitions & Easements. In addition to all that is going on legally, the various Illahee Preserve groups and the ICC have endorsed the Phase 2 Illahee Preserve/Illahee Creek Restoration Plan. This is a monumental plan to protect and preserve the the Preserve, Illahee Creek, and Puget Sound. We have attached the map showing past acquisitions and the future plans.

Rain Garden Target Area. The area north of the golf course was developed when there were no requirements to contain or control stormwater and so over 100 acres are tight-lined (piped) to the North Fork of Illahee Creek (just north of the golf course bridge) which is largely responsible for the brown silt laden waters that extend out into Puget Sound during significant rain events. We are looking at rain gardens in this target area to help slow down the water and the impact to the stream.

Petition For Port Assistance. The ICC is also trying to come up with a petition requesting Port assistance with the Phase 2 Plan, and will be looking for signatures from residents. They will try to have copies available at the meeting.

Future of Illahee Will Be Determined By These Issues. The future and look of Illahee will be determined by some of these issues and your input is needed.

Port of Illahee Commissioners Will Be In Attendance. The Port of Illahee commissioners will also be in attendance to answer questions.

Other Meetings Will Likely Be Scheduled. If you can't make this meeting let us know what times work out best for you and other meetings will be scheduled. The issues are too important for anyone not to understand what is going on or to have their questions answered.

Other Illahee News. On the wildlife side there are several reports.

Canada Goose Families. The number of Canada goose goslings continues to increase. The oldest group of goslings numbers 4, the next number 5 (was 6), and the smallest group also numbers 5. Below is a picture of the middle group.

Nearshore Salmon. Several Illahee residents helped with the 24 hour beach seining this last weekend on Bainbridge Island and report the shorelines in the area are filled with small salmon and cutthroat. They saw lots of chum, pinks, and coho, and a few really nice Chinook, and were amazed at how small salmon become dispersed along the shorelines throughout the Sound once they leave the rivers.

Chicken Coop A Frame. We received pictures of a simplified chicken coop A frame from an Illahee resident and wanted to pass it on.

Update Photo In Patriot & CK Reporter. It was nice to open the Bremerton Patriot & CK Reporter and see the photo we took of the CK students working in the Illahee Preserve rain garden. The students were from Olympic High School and their effort was greatly appreciated.

Jim Aho

Sunday, May 2, 2010

CK Super Saturday Project at Illahee Preserve - 5/2/10

Amazing CK Students. Four adults had the pleasure on Saturday to watch a small, but industrious group of CK students, weed and mulch the largest, and most weed infested rain garden plot at the Illahee Preserve parking lot on Almira, as part of their Super Saturday event. Each student received a yellow Super Saturday T shirt and a luncheon in the afternoon. We were impressed with this group of students and it was heartwarming when several of them asked if they could volunteer to help in the Preserve at other events.

Parks Department Support. We want to thank Lori Raymaker of the Kitsap County Parks Department for bringing 4 wheel borrows, shovels, rakes and some snacks. We needed that equipment and it allowed the group to finished the project within the time available.

Weeding Effort. The students were serious about working and did a great job of getting all the weeds out of the plot. This plot was the one we all dreaded to work on because the weeds had really started taking over. It was also the largest plot with the greatest diversity of native plants. Aimee Weber, our volunteer botanist, had flagged the plants a week ago to make sure there would be no confusion over what was a weed and what was a native plant.

Wood Chips. One of the concerns we had was whether we would have enough wood chips for the mulching effort. Vic Ulsh has been successful in getting tree companies to deliver chips, primarily for putting on the trails, which in recent years has been done almost entirely by the East Bremerton Rotary. We need to thank Vic for letting us use the chips for the rain garden mulching and hope he is successful in getting more for the trails. As you will see from the photos, we have depleted his stock pile of chips.

Mulching. We have been asked why the mulching is so important? There are two primary reasons. The first is it keeps the weeds down, and after the effort it took to weed this plot, that is a good enough reason it itself. The second reason is the mulch helps retain the moisture in the soil, which is especially important the first couple of years as the plants get established since most of them were bare root plants and they haven't had enough time to establish a strong and deep root system. Even at that we will probably need to water the plants if we have extended dry periods this summer.

Volunteer Hours Count for Port/DOE Grant. Because the rain garden is a Port of Illahee/DOE Native Plant Demonstration Rain Garden (with future signage being developed and a goal of encouraging all homeowners to consider rain gardens for handling the storm water from their roofs and driveways) the volunteer hours count as "in kind" contributions. For the adults the hourly rate is $15 per hour. For those under 18, the hourly rate is minimum wage, or $8.55 per hour. The monetary contribution of the Super Saturday weeding and mulching effort was $328.50. Thank you to these students and the adults!

Jim Aho