Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Miscellaneous Items - 10/20/09

Stray Dog?  We just were sent an email with a picture of a dog that showed up at an Illahee residence.  If anyone knows who this dog belongs to please call Rodney Mansfield or send us an email and we will pass the info on.
Passing of Long Time Residents.  We are sad to report the passing of two long time Illahee residents - Ron Grunden, age 78, on September 19, and Ed Fisher, age 95, on October 13.  Attached are the links to their obituaries in the Kitsap Sun.  It was from Ed Fisher that we were given a glimpse of the number of salmon that came up Illahee Creek to spawn in the early 1900's.  There is a notation in the Illahee Community Plan that "He also remembers scooping salmon out of Illahee Creek (then referred to as Lamotte's Creek) and bringing them home where his mother would smoke and can the fish for the winter."
Timbers Edge Decision Appeal?  We have been asked if the Illahee Community is going to appeal the Commissioner's Timbers Edge decision.  We haven't been able to get an answer yet to that question.  We were told the written decision has to be prepared and sent out and then a 21 day period begins, during which an appeal must be filed.
Illahee Preserve Logs.  When the new parking lot at Almira was put built it was felt that the non-marketable logs should be put to some use, and they were therefore set aside.  It was good to see that a good use was found for them, and that the story made the front page of the Kitsap Sun.  Below is the link to the story.
University Point Dock Approved.  We reported on the hearing for this private dock in an earlier update, and attended the first hearing.  The hearing was continued to get the Suquamish Tribe's input, and from what we hear other testimony was also given.  Below is the story in the Kitsap Sun that the dock was approved by the Hearing Examiner.
Illahee Community Club (ICC) Annual Meeting.  We just got word that the Illahee Community Club's annual meeting will be held on November 14, 2009 at the Kitsap Regional Library on Sylvan Way, beginning at 1:30 pm.   The ICC meets quarterly with meetings in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov, with November being the annual meeting.  
ICC Membership.  Any Illahee resident is eligible to be a member and the dues are only $10 a year, which we understand will cover the rest of this year and 2010.  We have attached the membership form.
Jim Aho