Turtles. We received the following photos with the note below:
Turtle found by my grand daughter in Illahee Creek about 1/4 mile upstream from the culvert. Is this a western painted turtle? Native or someones lost pet? Of course the turtle was returned to where it was found, but made for interesting discussion.
Young Spike. The young deer are maturing as shown in the attached photo and accompanying note below:
This little spike was in our yard on Fir Dr last Sunday. He sampled everything in our yard and wandered off after about an hour.
Port of Illahee Commissioner Position. We just heard that Don Deitch has resigned his Port of Illahee Commissioner position due to health issues, and that the Port is looking to fill the position at their November 12th meeting. Anyone interested in being a candidate for completing Don's term until the next Port Commissioner election in 2011 needs to get their information to the Port ASAP. The Port point of contact is Dennis Sheeran. Dennis can be contacted by email docsmsret@msn.com or phone 692-6971.
Bear Questions? There are a number of people who are wondering if the large black bear that has been seen in the greater Central Kitsap area, and evidently passed through the heart of the Illahee Preserve, will possibly end up staying in the Preserve, since it is a rather large un-inhabited forested area. We think it would be good to know if the bear has been sighted leaving the area, or if it may still be in the area. Let us know if you have any further information that we can pass on.
The Same Bear? One person is wondering if this is the same bear that was reported early last week. See the note they sent to us:
On Oct 19, midday, a bear was sighted crossing Central Valley Parkway, somewhere around Fairview Jr High. All the students were apprised of the situation. I feel sorry for the bear who encountered the jr high students! (LOL) but we used it as a teachable moment and encouraged them to ALWAYS WALK HOME WITH A FRIEND. You can never been too careful!
Another Sighting. Just after writing the above paragraph we received the following information:
Bear at Fraizer's Fairfield Orchards - Chris Fraizer owns the yellow house farm (once owned by Al Kurkoski) on Sylvan Way just west of Illahee State Park. Today he told me he had a big black bear in his yard eating the fruit on his apple trees. He called animal control and they said if he wanted to get rid of the bear then he should get the apples off his trees. Animal control wouldn't come and do anything.
Illahee Community Meeting on November 14th. We have been asked to remind residents that the annual Illahee Community Club meeting is scheduled for 1:30 pm on Saturday, November 14th at the Kitsap Library on Sylvan Way.
Jim Aho