Another Update Requested. We again have been asked to update the community, but this time in response to the Update that was sent out on Monday.
Sensitive Update? Many times we send out updates with no responses, but this time we received phonecalls and emails, so something we wrote was sensitive or misunderstood, and in this case evidently both.
People Were Upset! We had people who liked the Update and those who were upset that we sent it to Kitsap County personnel and that we included sensitive financial information.
Some Liked It. Not only did some residents like the Update, they also wanted to send in checks to help with the effort.
Upset With It Going to the County. Others were upset that we supposedly gave the county ICC appeal strategy information. They feel the county is working hand in hand with the developer and are not watching out for the interests of the community. Some of the Illahee residents attending the hearing were surprised when they were told that Ron Templeton was not a county attorney as they watched county staff personnel concur with him over and over during the hearing. Ron was the applicant's attorney.
Note: The attorney confusion is understandable as we have seen this behaviour before. We understand the staff's desire to promote a development they have been working on, but we feel they should be neutral once the project gets to a hearing. Up until the time of the hearing they have been the recipients of the developer's side of the story, and even after SEPA comments are received, any changes are based on the developer's interpretation. It isn't until the project is somewhat finalized that the community finally gets a chance to see what it looks like, and in this case for two weeks, if all the files are available.
The Rest of the Story. Once the community gets a chance to see what the project impacts are they then have a short opportunity to present their side of the story. After all, they have to live with the results of a development for years, and from just the effects of stormwater, Illahee residents have little confidence that the county has their long term interests at heart. This is where the community wishes the county would take a neutral stance. Up until the hearing everything on the project is filtered through what the developer wants to do. The hearing is when the community gets a chance to comment on the project and the effects on the community. The community has only a few days available to look at the projects impacts, pay the appeal fees, and expects a fair hearing to present its side of the story, without seemingly fighting both the developer and the county. The community thinks at this point the county should step back and listen to the "rest of the story," wanting what is ultimately what is best for both, but also realizing the community should have a majority say since they have to ultimately live with the project.
Sensitive Financial Information. And there were those upset that we had included sensitive financial information. Some felt the email that we saw was privileged information. Some felt that it gave a message to the county and developer that the community was not receiving enough funds to continue the appeal. On the other hand others we amazed at the amount of money that had been raised in such a short time considering the community does not have any rich benefactors and all the money is coming in in relatively small gifts and some from monthly contributions.
Differing Interpretations. We were surprised at the differing interpretations of the financial information and thus the main reason for this follow-up Update.
A Clarification of Yesterday's Update Regarding Finances. In yesterday's Update, we had no intention of sending a message that the community was even considering abandoning its appeal. We stated that the ICC was sending out another appeal for funds, and that the funds were coming in. Raising funds to continue to litigate this appeal will likely be an ongoing process and the community is responding. The ICC only wanted to make sure people got the message that funds had come in and to let everyone know that the cost of a lawyer and expert witnesses were substantial and they appreciate the community's past and future support.
Community Desires Reiterated. It is clear from the responses we are getting that while there are some who would like to stop the project, the majority just want it done right, primarily with a lower density and less impact to the stream and the aquifers.
A Lengthy But Necessary Response. This is a lengthy response to all those who reacted positively or negatively to the previous update, and we hope this helps put things into perspective. We do try to listen to your comments. Please keep them coming, especially when you disagree.
Jim Aho
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