Next to the last Illahee Plan Meeting Monday? The Illahee Community Plan has been undergoing county review since February and only two meeting dates remain: Monday 6/16/08, and Monday 6/23/08. The meetings are from 6-8:30 pm at the Unitarian Church on Perry Ave. These last meetings are the ones where important decisions are being made and it is your opportunity to be heard. Two likely repeat agenda items will be view restriction zones and the suggested 28 foot height restrictions in the zone. We also hope to hear more about the greenbelt zone and what that means, either at this meeting or the following one. We have not seen an agenda for the meetings so we need to be tentative and our possible agenda items are based on what we anticipate will or needs to be discussed.
Sealife in the Sound. Two weeks ago we noted the abundance of pink salmon along the nearshore areas of our local waters. We showed a photo of some pink salmon fry taken from the Brownsville Marina. We have attached another photo taken during a second dip of the net that shows a small pink salmon, but also a small translucent sand lance fry. Sand lance are also known locally as "candlefish" likely due to their slender shape. Sand lance spawn similarly to surf smelt and their spawning habits were relatively unknown in the Sound until the 1989. We have several documented spawning sites nearby which is also possibly the reason for so many juvenile salmon in the area as their diets are composed heavily of sand lance, from 35% to 60% for Chinook salmon. There is much more on these interesting forage fish on the web.
Seahorses at the Illahee Dock? We had reports of small seahorse creatures at the Illahee Dock. The person reporting their sighting called over another person to make sure they weren't seeing things. We contacted a fisheries biologist who raised his eyes about the possibility. We will continue to look into this. We have had stranger things at the dock, including someone catching a pacific mackerel a number of winters ago.
Keep sending your information in, though are getting behind in our reporting and hope to catch up soon.
Jim Aho
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