Monday, August 23, 2010

Two Monday Meetings - 8/23/10

Newspaper Articles Re Golf Course Gift.  There were a number of newspaper articles this week regarding the Rolling Hills Golf Course Gift, including an editorial in Sunday's Kitsap Sun, see the link:    Also, we were impressed by the article in Saturday's Kitsap Sun by Brynn Grimley who had a great understanding of just why the golf course gift was especially appreciated by the Illahee Community.  The link to her article is:

Two Important Monday Meetings.  How can it be that after months with no Illahee meetings, that two important meetings that residents should attend, are scheduled on the same evening, Monday, August 23, 2010?

Quarterly Illahee Community Meeting.  The quarterly meeting of the Illahee Community Club schedules its meetings on weeknight evenings at the library and also asked Kitsap County reps to present information on the Shoreline Master Program update, which will begin at 6:15 pm.  This should be a great opportunity for residents to have an input in what they want for their shoreline areas.  They will also likely discuss the petition drive that stalled and is projected to resume soon.

County Commissioner's Meeting Also Meets Monday.  The reason that there should be a representation at the Commissioner's meeting that meets at 7 pm in Port Orchard is that they will be signing the agreement to accept the Rolling Hills Golf Course on Monday.  We just received a draft copy of a letter to the editor they want someone to read at Monday evening's meeting - someone who is not planning on attending the meeting at the library.  We took the liberty of printing the draft copy below, though remember it is still a draft.   
        August 23, 2010
Letter to the Editor:
        Thank you Don Rasmussen and Kerma Peterson, for your extraordinary and especially generous gift of the Rolling Hills Golf Course!  
Illahee has become a recreational destination in Kitsap County and the greater West Sound area in a large part because of your work in establishing a premier and affordable community golf course.  While Illahee’s unique topography has limited development, it has fostered some incredible recreational opportunities such as the golf course, Illahee State Park, the Illahee Preserve, and the Port’s Community Dock, making this area and Kitsap County a great place to live. 
The Illahee Community appreciates your incredible gift and forward thinking that preserves Rolling Hills as a golfing jewel for future generations, and at the same time ensures the continuation of the “meals on wheels” program for seniors throughout the area.  Your gift will also help us eventually control of the storm water surges that pollute Illahee Creek and Puget Sound.
Thank you Don and Kerma, and also Commissioner Josh Brown for working with you to make it happen!

Barney Bernhard, for the Illahee Community Club

Help Requested.  If anyone could help out by attending the Commissioner's meeting in Port Orchard on Monday evening, and at the end of the meeting during the public comment time, read the above letter or a similar version, it would be greatly appreciated.  Let us know if you can help and we will pass the information on the the ICC officers.

Tall Ships At Brownsville.  We were fortunate to be out boating by the tall ships on Friday and took some pictures, including the one below.  

Jim Aho

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wildlife & Miscellaneous - 8/21/10

Salmon Jumping.  It is that time of year when we should be salmon jumping as they pass through Illahee waters, and we have a report that at least one was seen jumping north of the Illahee community dock.

Shoreline Presentation on Monday.  Don't forget to attend the Illahee community meeting on Monday at the Sylvan Way library at 6:15 pm where there will be two county persons giving a presentation on the ongoing Shoreline Master Program (SMP) update.  We have over 3 miles of shoreline and many have views of the water, or appreciate the shoreline areas, and they all should have a say as to what they want in a shoreline program. This is the best time to have your voices heard, while the county and Task Force are taking input.

Public Access at Community Dock.  We had several responses about the public access steps at the Illahee Community Dock.  Some were unaware that there were steps to get down to the beach, and others were unaware that the steps belong to the Port of Illahee and that the Port of Illahee had the steps put in a number of years ago.  Public Access will also be one of the items discussed at the SMP briefing on Monday.

Sharpe-shinned Hawk.  We received a picture of a sharp-shinned hawk the other day, which is attached.  This one is at the waterfront, which seemed rather unusual.

Coyote Reports.  We have had several reports about coyotes, and in some areas residents are warned to keep their cats inside.  The following report shows that they may be expanding their territory.

Tues. night at dusk in the vincinity of the Rue Villa mailboxes an animal made a quick crossing of the Illahee road from the water side to the uphill side. It was smaller than a young deer but larger than most dogs in the area, light in color and fast. My initial impression was that of a coyote. There have been some mauling and killing of racoons in the area recently. I have never seen a coyote in the Illahee area. 

Dead Deer.  We have been asked not to show pictures of dead deer on these Updates, but we need to report that at least one doe and one fawn have been hit by cars and killed in the area.  Some were wondering if the two twin fawns they saw without their mother, could have been the offspring of the doe that got hit.  Two neighbors buried it.  

The other report of the dead fawn is a sad one as the mother stayed in the brush near the fawn until it was picked up by the county road crew, and then the mother was seen going up and down the area, seemingly looking for it.  We need to let residents know that the county will pick up dead deer along the road if you call them.  Please let us know also so we can try to keep track of what is happening.

Illahee Preserve Work Party Report.  There was another massive work party at the Illahee Preserve this past Wednesday.  Our estimate was about 50, though not all signed in, so we don't have a totally accurate count.  We have found out one of the secrets to the Rotary's work party successes, which is also having water and food.  There were at least 5 Illahee residents who showed up.  And it was notable that there were 20 wheel borrows in use to move the wood chips.  We will try to attach two photos, one showing a log being moved to line the path of the rain garden, and the other being a group photo, but after a number had already left.  Below is the East Bremerton Rotary report of the work party:

The East Bremerton Rotary conducted another very productive work party at Illahee Forest Preserve on Wednesday, August 18th.  The focus was beautification of the Almira parking lot, as well as adding wood chips to the trail system.  36 people helped out including Marines from Bangor, members of Washington Youth Academy, and 13 East Bremerton Rotarians.  Thanks to grillmaster Andy Graham of McClouds Restaurant for bringing & tending the BBQ and thanks to Costco (JeanMarie Harmon) for providing the food.  Attached is a photo excluding the Washington Youth Academy who needed to leave before the photo was taken.  Andy Graham is the one in the back doing a Y-M-C-A spell out.

Jim Aho  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

FAQ To ICC Petition - 8/19/10

Wildlife & Work Party Report Delayed.  We had started a wildlife and work party report when we were asked to get the following information out to the Illahee Community and those interested in some of the current Illahee issues.

The Request.  We have been requested to ask if residents will be willing to pass out Petitions and Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) sheets in their neighborhoods.  Some neighborhoods were initially covered, but there were so many questions that residents had, that the petition effort was halted until answers were obtained.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Sheets.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents are normally provided for complex or controversial issues.  While it appeared to be controversial based on an article in the Kitsap Sun and some who opposed the petition at the Port's public meetings, the results of those who turned in petitions told another story.  The response to date is 72 for and 3 against.

Information Provided.  We have attached the FAQ sheet and the Petition to this Update and have copied the FAQ sheet below.  If you are able to help pass out this information to your neighbors, please respond to this email and we will pass it on to the ICC.

Jim Aho

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) re
Petition to Help Save Illahee Creek & Puget Sound

Based on questions asked at earlier information meetings, as well as comments, phone calls, emails, and some research, we have compiled this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). These FAQs are intended to provide responses to some of the most commonly asked questions of the Illahee Community Club (ICC) and the Port of Illahee. If you have a question not included here, or simply would like to discuss particular concerns further, please do not hesitate to contact us at the community website:

NOTE:  When the subject petition was initially prepared, the Port of Illahee promptly responded to the request for help.  The Port hired a grant writer to see if grant funding was available and they talked with a land trust. Neither of those first efforts brought about a quick solution, and the petition distribution, which was hoping to report on those efforts, stalled with 850 petitions yet to distribute.

PETITION EFFORT TO CONTINUE:  While we wish the Port could have found a quick solution, the ICC needs to continue the petition effort to know how the residents of Illahee feel about this important issue.  The Illahee Community has already spent over $50,000 to minimize the negative impact of the Timbers Edge development on the creek and the aquifers, with limited success.  And having come this far, with an offer from the developer to sell the property, we feel we need to resume the petition drive and continue to press for an acceptable resolution, as that appears to be what the community wants (see the response to Question 19).

1. Why are you circulating this petition? We are circulating the petition because we want to know the wishes of Illahee residents. And, we are requesting Port action because we have nowhere else to turn to at this time.
The Illahee Community Club dropped its Shorelines Hearings Board suit so the Illahee Preserve could receive 21 acres of Open Space land.  As part of the negotiations, the developer has further offered to sell the remaining development land to the Port of Illahee.  We are circulating the petition because in land acquisitions, when you have a willing seller, you need to act within the time limit given, which in this case is a September 2010 deadline.
2. Why is the Timbers Edge property important? The TE property is at a strategic location along the main stem of the creek and also the South Fork, and is important from storm water, aquifer, and fish bearing perspectives.  The entire area is a Critical Aquifer Recharge Area requiring additional protections.  Instead, storm water is being proposed to be tight-lined to an outfall near the mouth of Illahee Creek which deprives the aquifers of replenishment ground water (see Question 5 for more aquifer information).

3. What is so important about maintaining Illahee Creek as a fish bearing stream?  This question has been raised by both outsiders and more recently by an Illahee resident. Our only answer is that the creek, though small, has produced fish and salmon in the past and continues to do so. Fisheries biologists have noted Coho, chum, cut-throat, and steelhead in the stream and their biggest concern is the excessive sedimentation that plagues the stream and also fills up the in-stream ponds vital to salmonids.   We have been told that within Puget Sound the majority of streams are small and that they make a significant contribution to the total salmonid production, with Illahee Creek being one of them.
4. Do you have a fish count? Exactly how many salmonids are in the stream is difficult to determine. When the culvert under Illahee Road was being cleaned out several years ago, a net was placed upstream of the work, and several times during the day the fish that had accumulated in the net were transferred downstream past the work.  Kitsap County Public Works personnel manning the nets noted 125 fish were transferred in one day. We have seen Coho and chum spawning in recent years, but we do not have an official count.
5. What are the aquifer issues you mentioned? The Kitsap Peninsula is hydrogeologically self-contained, meaning that all the water that falls in our area ends up in local aquifers, ours being the Manette Aquifer. In other words all the water we use, drink, and that flows in our streams comes from rainwater that is allowed to soak into the ground. The Timbers Edge project was projected to decrease the base flow to Illahee Creek by approximately 15%, which is why they are now looking at infiltration, but it was never mandated until the community appealed, and then only “to the maximum extent feasible,” without it ever being defined.
6. Can you restate this in layman’s terms? If you reduce the amount of rainwater that soaks into the ground around the creek, there will be a corresponding reduction in the amount of water that flows into Illahee Creek.
7. Is that why rain gardens are needed? Yes, in addition to reducing stormwater runoff, rain gardens increase the amount of water available to infiltrate into the shallow aquifers supplying water to Illahee Creek.

8. Why should the Port of Illahee be involved in projects away from the waterfront? The stormwater surges plaguing Illahee Creek are also adversely affecting the Illahee dock by depositing sediment under the floats that was last measured at 32 inches under the inner most float. Additionally the Port has been involved in salmon restoration projects both in Illahee Creek and at the dock and is concerned with the need to protect the critical aquifer recharge areas that supply water to Illahee Creek. The importance of getting control of the stormwater and the aquifer issues in the watershed is documented in the Parametrix “Illahee Creek Watershed Surface Water Management Plan” that was funded by the Department of Ecology and the Port of Illahee. The report can be accessed at: /subareas/Illahee/Surfacewater_Management_Plan.htm
9. Is this the report that states it will take $20 Million to fix the problems? Yes, the report was required because Kitsap County said a complete watershed analysis was needed before they would be able to do anything to fix the surge problems. The Port submitted a grant proposal for the study, first in 2005 and again in 2006. The report was completed in 2008 and issued in 2009. The report uses a comprehensive watershed approach to the problem and concludes, because of the large $20 million price tag, the project should be completed in phases.
10. A recent Kitsap Sun columnist says the Port exceeded its legal mandate. How do you answer that charge?  The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) quoted in the article is RCW 53.04.010, which establishes Port districts and taken by itself appears to limit the Port to only waterfront involvement. The code however continues in following sections to further describe Port responsibilities, including the authority to protect watersheds and establish “Watershed Management Partnerships” [RCW 53.08.420], which is what the Port is proposing to do with Kitsap County.
11. What progress is being made regarding a partnership? The progress is understood to be ongoing and methodical because of the many players and landowners involved. The first actions were to contact the principal landowners and provide copies of the Parametrix report to them. Secondly, action needed to be taken by the Illahee Preserve Stewardship Committee and the Illahee Forest Preserve group as their Stewardship Plan also includes the primary watershed areas being discussed. The two Illahee Preserve groups integrated the findings of the Parametrix report with their Stewardship Plan and developed the map/plan entitled, “Illahee Preserve/Illahee Creek Restoration Project – Master Plan for Acquisitions and Easements.” That is now the approved plan being used with the petition and will likely be the basic document for establishing a Watershed Management Partnership with Kitsap County. 
12.  So this must be the map that is on the Petition. It appears to be a rather ambitious plan. Can the Port really be expected to accomplish all the identified “acquisitions and easements”?  The answer of course is no. The plan will hopefully be supported by the Port, but it will take more than this small port to make it all happen.  It will require Kitsap County to be involved along with the local Preserve groups and the surrounding area to support the Plan.
13.  Why is the Port then involved with the Timbers Edge part of this Master Plan?  The developer came to the Port of Illahee with an offer to sell the property, likely realizing the Illahee Community did not have the resources.  He approached the Port with the offer, and because it fit in with the findings of the DOE/Port grant report, we think the Port should want to take a serious look at the offer.
14. And this purchase is why you think the Port would need to raise our taxes?  The Port of Illahee has indicated its reluctance to raise taxes unless there is both a clear need and mandate for them to do so. They considered options involved with grant money to help minimize any tax burden to residents. They considered the possibility of purchasing this property now and selling it later as a development that will not endanger our aquifer or creek and that is in keeping with the Illahee culture. They want to help with the purchase but also want to keep the tax burden down to a minimum while still being able to correct the stormwater problem that is affecting the dock, shoreline and creek. 
15.  Why then did the petition being circulated ask for such a large increase? When we approached the Port of Illahee with the idea of a petition, they wanted to make sure they had the maximum amount of tax increase that might be required to purchase the property, should the community come up with the requested 500+ signatures.

16. When does the Port need the requested 500+ signatures?  When this first came up they wanted them as soon as possible so they could review them before they made a decision as to whether to put a tax increase vote on the primary ballot.  That didn’t happen so now the goal is to have the petition circulated in August and count the petitions on or about September 15, 2010.  The 500+ signatures represent the average majorities (over half of the votes) that were cast in the last two elections by Illahee residents.
17.  What are the biggest challenges for the petition? Residents have generally been supportive of recent Illahee Community Club positions in the recent past, but this is the first time they have been asked if they support a raise in taxes. While many have been enthusiastic about this effort and view a tax increase as necessary to protect the community, others are skeptical, and some are upset that an increase in taxes is even being proposed. The Community Club and the Port need to determine the will of Illahee residents and thus the reason for the petition and this Frequently Asked Question Sheet. The goal has always been to have a clear majority and the challenge is to get the petition and accurate information (this FAQ sheet) to as many voters as possible. 

18.  The Kitsap Sun reported that the information meetings held by the Port were not well attended and there evidently wasn’t much interest.  There were a few residents on both sides of the issue, and the information and questions were good and there were good exchanges, but it was mostly the same residents at all three of the meetings.  It is correct that the meetings were not well attended.  The reluctance to attend meetings is something we already know about Illahee residents, but it is not true that there isn’t much interest based on the petitions received to date.  
19. We understand some areas had petitions circulated and the petition was included in an email.  What has been the response so far?  The response to date is 71 “yes” and 3 “no”, which is encouraging.  We passed out 150 petitions initially, in addition to the email, so we are hoping the trend continues as we have 850 more petitions to distribute.

20.  What are you hoping for?  We are hoping that a deal could be worked between the Port and a land trust whereby the Timbers Edge property could be purchased, and if necessary, 10 acres (the old Avery homestead) resold later for a responsible development of 30 homes rather than 110 homes.  We would like this to happen quickly, but realize it could take a few years to finalize and port taxes could be raised.  We hope residents will vote ‘yes’ on the petition to show their support.  Please contact us if you need more information at our website: 


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Amazing News - 8/18/10

Kitsap County to Acquire Rolling Hills Golf Course.  We received a call on Thursday afternoon that a press release was being prepared to announce that the owners of Rolling Hills Golf Course, Don Rasmussen and Kerma Peterson, had reached an agreement with Kitsap County in which the County would acquire the golf course subject to some very amazing conditions.  We think the Kitsap Sun reporter Brynn Grimmly did an excellent job of describing all the details, which will appear in Thursday's Kitsap Sun.  We have attached the press release from the county and have provided the link to Thursday's article:   Rolling Hills Transfer Seen as Win-Win for Kitsap County, Charity

Our Response.  This was something that was a dream for many from the time the county purchased the DNR land in 2001.  In 2003 the Illahee Preserve Stewardship Plan was issued that suggested the county consider a future purchase of the golf course to ensure it remained a golf course.  In 2006 there was a push to have the golf course zoned for housing at 5-9 homes per acre, which would accommodate nearly a 1000 homes.  The Illahee community fought that zoning proposal, and because of that fight the commissioners reversed the planner's request and it went back to an urban reserve zone, which is one home for 10 acres.  Around the same time, the owners wanted to sell the golf course to the county, but negotiations fell through.  Subsequently, other approaches were looked at including a Centennial Clean Water grant obtained by the Port of Illahee from the Department of Ecology, which found the sediment pollution of Puget Sound was primarily from the area north of the golf course, but that likely golf course property would be needed for detention facilities.  It was thought the watershed study documenting the sedimentation problem would help justify a possible purchase of the golf course.  Subsequently the Port of Illahee looked at grant opportunities to purchase the golf course, but found there was little grant money available.  In other words we were coming up against road blocks in every direction we turned.  And so when we got the call we ecstatic and almost speech less that the golf course agreement had been forged.  Much thanks goes to Don Rasmussen and Kerma Peterson for their generosity, and to Josh Brown for finding a way for it to happen.

Jim Aho

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meetings & Work Party Info - 8/15/10

Illahee Forest Preserve Meeting on Tuesday.  On Tuesday (8/17) the Illahee Forest Preserve (IFP) will meet at 6:30 pm at the Port of Illahee office at 5560 Ocean View Boulevard.  The IFP is a not-for-profit corporation established to support the Illahee Preserve and they welcome anyone interested to join them.  Their contributions, and those of the East Bremerton Rotary, to the 460 acre Illahee Preserve has become more important as funding for county parks has decreased.  The IFP group is working on a formal dedication of the Almira parking lot to take place this fall, along with many other issues.  

Illahee Preserve Work Party on Wednesday.  There will be another Illahee Preserve work party this Wednesday (8/18), sponsored by the East Bremerton Rotary.  There are still lots of wood chips to be placed on the trails and the paths through the rain garden will be lined with logs.  The work begins about 5:30 pm.

Community Meeting Next Monday 8/23/10.  There will be an Illahee Community meeting next Monday (8/23) at the Sylvan Way library beginning at 6:15 pm.  The first half of the meeting will be devoted to finding out more about the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) that is in the process a being updated.  Signs should be going up mid-week regarding the meeting.  Please encourage neighbors who don't get these email updates to attend.

County Representatives to Present SMP Info.  There will be two Kitsap County representatives to present SMP information, and most importantly, they are there for residents to ask questions of them.  Comments from residents regarding shoreline designations are due on August 31, 2010 and we believe most residents are totally unaware of that deadline or what the possibilities are.

What Designations Should Illahee Shorelines Have?  We included in the last Update, the current shoreline designations for Illahee.  We are curious as to whether we can continue with our current designations, or if the State and the County want to change them.  This should be a good discussion item.

Public Access to Shorelines.  One of the issues to be discussed at the next SMP task force meeting on September 2, 2010 is whether the county is in compliance with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) regarding the issue of Public Access.  We took a couple of pictures (attached) of the stairway at the Illahee Community Dock to show that at least in one area there is public access to the shorelines.  The public access requirements are described in WAC 173-26-221 (4).  We think the Illahee Community is in full compliance on this issue.

Jim Aho

Sunday, August 8, 2010

SMP & Other - 8/8/10

Shoreline Master Program Task Force.  Once a month there is a meeting of the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Task Force that is getting some press because of its possible impact on Kitsap County residents.  Following is the link for the latest report on the meetings:  Kitsap Shoreline Task Force Still Sorting Out Plans, Regulations, Legislation

Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Input Requested.  Kitsap County is requesting citizen input regarding the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and more specifically regarding shoreline designations.  The SMP website is where all the information resides along with it being the place to register citizen comments and input.

Our Concern Is That Illahee Residents Are Unaware of the SMP Update.  We are concerned that many do not understand the SMP update process, much less the SMP designations that have been assigned to the Illahee area shorelines or that they have an opportunity to request changes to any SMP designation they do not think is appropriate.

Current SMP Shoreline Designations.  For those who are aware of the Illahee Community Plan, there is a section in Chapter 4 that covers and explains the current SMP designation.  We have copied that section and have linked the map showing the designations: .

Saltwater Shorelines Environmental Designations

The Kitsap County Shoreline Management Master Program (Kitsap
County Code Title 22), adopted in 1999, set shoreline designations
and development requirements for Kitsap County shorelines. Kitsap
County will be undergoing an update to its Shoreline Plan by 2011.
Under this program, the Illahee community shoreline has been
assigned three designations: rural, semi-rural, and conservancy
(Figure 4.2). Note that these designations are not to be confused
with inland zoning designations. The shoreline designations are in
basic agreement with the Illahee shoreline geology and reflect the
land use zoning called for in the Illahee Community Plan.

The rural designation is designed to restrict intensive development
along undeveloped shorelines and to function as a buffer between
more urban-like densities. The majority of Illahee shorelines
(approximately two linear miles) are designated rural and reflect
areas of high bluffs at both ends of Illahee and the bay area
between the state park and the mouth of Illahee Creek.

The semi-rural designation is designed to “promote a multiple-use
shoreline area in which the scale of uses falls between that of the
rural and urban environments. Certain aspects of the natural
environment will be retained in conjunction with permitted uses.”
This designation was assigned to the area from the bottom of
Roosevelt Street north to where Wise Street intersects with Illahee
Road (approximately one-half mile in distance). It essentially takes
in the 1916 platted area of old, historic Illahee and provides less
restrictive shoreline uses than a rural designation.

The conservancy designation is designed to protect fish and wildlife
habitat and critical areas and includes a sub-element for parks,
recreational sites, or open space. In Illahee, the shoreline area of
Illahee State Park has a conservancy designation. Additionally, the
southern-most shoreline area of Illahee has been given the higher
conservancy designation, which follows the environmentally
sensitive shoreline of the Cheney Estate and Enetai Community.

Future SMP Designations?  As part of the SMP Update currently in progress, the SMP designations are currently being reviewed and can be changed.  The county is requesting comments regarding missing shoreline information or corrections to the shoreline information in the Draft Inventory and Characterization report that is available on line  The comment period end date is August 31, 2010.

Possible SMP Presentation at ICC 8/23 Quarterly Meeting?  It has been suggested that the ICC see if someone from the county could go over the SMP Inventory and Characterization report as it relates to Illahee at the August 23rd meeting of the Illahee Community Club.  We agree and will pass on that request this week.

ICC Quarterly Meeting Scheduled.  We were informed yesterday that the ICC quarterly meeting has been scheduled for 6-8 pm at the Sylvan Way library for a Monday evening on August 23, 2010.  All Illahee residents are encouraged to attend.  We will pass on the agenda for the meeting when we get one.

Petersen Farm Day.  We have also been asked to pass on information about the Petersen Farm Day on August 22 from 1-4 pm.  They are trying to save the Petersen farm that borders the Clear Creek Trail.  Attached is the brochure on the event and following is the Facebook link that explains more of the details regarding the farm:

Jim Aho

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Big & Successful Work Party.  It was a big, busy and successful work party on Wednesday (8/4/10) at the Almira parking lot to the Illahee Preserve.  There were 48 volunteers, which makes it one of the biggest work parties that we are aware of.  Most of the helpers were from the East Bremerton Rotary, the Navy and the Marine Corps, with a handful from the Illahee community.  See the picture of the group and the Rotary write-up below:

Illahee Forest Work Party  8/4/10
East Bremerton Rotary, in conjunction with personnel from Marine Corp Security Force Bangor and the USS John C. Stennis, completed a very productive work party at Illahee Forest Preserve on Wednesday evening, August 4th.  A great deal of trail maintenance was completed including applying wood chips to the trail system.  Much was also accomplished to improve the rain garden landscape feature located in the middle of the parking lot.  A total of 48 people participated in this activity.  Thanks to Costco and Starbucks who provided support for the evening's refreshments. 

Parks Department Support.  The Parks Department also helped by supplying 4 additional wheel borrows, which were needed, and tools.

Some Work Pictures.  There were many work areas being manned at the same time, some projects did not get photographed.  We have provided a sampling of the photos so you can see some of the work that was in progress.

Definition of Word "Illahee."  We did have some of the volunteers who were new to this area get confused between the Illahee Preserve and Illahee State Park, which reminded us of something we saw on the State Park's Dept website, which is a definition of th word "Illahee."  The first part of the definition certainly was applicable to all who worked the land, earth, and ground on Wednesday. 
Illahee State Park was acquired in seven parcels between 1934 and 1954. The word "illahee" is from Chinook Jargon and has many meanings: "land, earth, ground", "place; and/or location where one lives", "home place", "heavenly place" or "place of rest". 
Jim Aho

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Miscellaneous Items - 8/3/10

Preserve Inundated With Wood Chips.  After a long drought of not being able to get any wood chips for the Illahee Preserve, the log jam broke and we are now inundated with wood chips, and they need to be moved onto the trails.  See the attached photos showing the multiple piles of chips.

Work Party Workers Needed.  With so many chips to move we decided to put out the call for more work party helpers.  We will have some from the East Bremerton Rotary, and some from the John C. Stennis, and some from the surrounding community and the Illahee community, but we never know exactly how many will be there.  We have had large work parties and others have been small.  We never know how many will show up, but this time we know we have lots of chips to move, so we are asking for whoever can make it to come and help.

Multiple Tasks To Do.  In addition to moving wood chips to cover the trails, we have a number of special projects.  One is closing a trail by burying a log at its entrance to keep it from being re-established.  We have some medium sized rocks to move to the corners of the rain garden plots.  We will line the paths through the rain garden with logs and put down landscape fabric to prevent the weeds from coming through.  We will weed the rain garden plots, which should be easier now that the mulch has all been distributed.  We will have our volunteer botanist there to help with any plant or weed identification.  We will also line the water flow path with landscape fabric and place river rock on it.  Ambitious jobs that will require lots of help and if we have lots of people we should be able to finish before dusk.  

Date and Time.  The work party is Wednesday (8/4/10) and the time is between 5 and 5:30 pm. 

Tools Needed.  We will have a few wheel borrows, but will need others to bring one, along with pitch forks to load the chips.

Missing Person Found.  It is sad to report that the body of Kara Radabah was found on Sunday morning and was confirmed by the coroner on Monday as being Kara.  The links to the Kitsap Sun articles on the story are:

Local Arborist Debuts Tree Book.  Local Illahee Arborist Jim Trainer has a new book called "Kitsap Trees" for sale. It's about 10 trees in the Kitsap area (2 in Illahee) and the stories about them . The cost is $10.00, plus $3.00 for shipping and tax.  If anyone is interested in purchasing this interesting book, please call 360 792 2449.  It has been suggested that since the Illahee Community Club is supposed to have an August meeting (date yet to be determined), that we try to have copies of Jim's book available for purchase there.

Jim Aho