Saturday, April 19, 2008

Misc. Items of Interest - 4/19/08

Local Runner Featured. Many of you have likely noticed a very fast runner training in Illahee the past few years. Joggers in the area have been reminded of the difference between jogging and running as they have been left in the dust wondering who just passed them. Well, the mystery for many was solved by way of an article in the Kitsap Sun. Click here to read the article.

The runner is Illahee resident Sarna Becker and her story is in the article. Good luck Sarna in your quest to get to the Olympics!

KCFEM Meeting Report in the CK Reporter. Many people in Illahee did not see this report in the paper on Saturday. The reason is half of the people in Illahee receive the Bremerton Patriot and the other half the CK Reporter. The dividing line is somewhere around McWilliams and 3rd Street. We have linked the story titled "Illahee Residents Vent Frustrations to Dept of Emergency Management" so those who don't receive the CK Reporter will know what was said.

Upcoming Illahee Planning Meeting. The next county led Illahee planning meeting will be on Monday (4/28/08) evening between 6 and 9 pm at the Unitarian Church on Perry Avenue. This will probably be a pivotal meeting with decisions on Chapter 3 issues such as zoning, densities, lot sizes, view protection, and height restrictions. Needless to say it is important to have as many Illahee residents in attendance as possible. Note that the meeting duration is being increased to 3 hours in order to finish up on the environmental issues not completed during the meeting last Tuesday (4/15/08).

Do you want more information? Some have asked that we provide more information on the critical items in the chapters to be discussed so they will have a better idea if they are really interested in attending the meeting that evening. We will be checking with other residents to see if they feel likewise before doing so. Please let us know if you also would like more information prior to the meeting.

Jim Aho

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Report on Recent Meetings - 4/17/08

We have been asked to provide timely reports of the meetings we announce in the Illahee Community Updates.

KCDEM Meeting (4/15/08) at the Norm Dicks Government Center

KCDEM is the abbreviation for the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management. The meeting followed a nearly 3 hour Kitsap Transit board meeting. These meeting were high level meetings attended by the County Commissioners and the mayors, or their representatives, from cities within the county. The KCDEM meeting was also attended by Christine Rolfes and a representative from Derek Kilmer's office, and possibly others of importance who we were unaware of.

Phyllis Mann and her staff gave a detailed one hour presentation of their response to the December 3rd storm, which was impressive. At the end of presentation they gave an opportunity for state representatives and the public to comment. State Representative Christine Rolfes inquired about the culvert work on Illahee Road. Public comments were received from one of the Gilberton residents and from two of the Illahee residents in attendance. (Note that this was the first time that public comments were taken at this type of briefing.) To sum up their comments they were upset about the washout at Gilberton Creek and the filling up of the Illahee Creek culvert and wanted some answers as to why these failures occurred. The only press person we saw there was Paul Balcerak from the CK Reporter so there may be a report of the meeting later.

Illahee Community Planning Meeting (4/15/08) at the Sylvan Way Library
(This is an unofficial report of the meeting. The official report will be issued by the county.)

This was the 5th meeting in a series of 9 scheduled public process meetings to review the draft Illahee Community Plan prepared by the community. The meeting was to go over the "environmental elements if the Illahee Plan" followed by a Low Impact Development presentation. It was an interesting meeting in that not everyone's expectations were met. Some appreciated the environmental process overview provided by the county experts. Others were expecting them to cover specific items in the Illahee Plan. The Low Impact Development presentation was great, but some had hoped there would be more information on the storm water issues in Illahee. An important suggestion by one of the presenters was to make sure the community plan covers all the issues the community is concerned about as those items then must be considered when decisions are made by the county. At the end of the meeting Katrina Knutson suggested we consider a 3 hour meeting on April 28 to finish up the environmental issues along with completing the Chapter 3 zoning issues. We will need to wait on the county to see what their plans are for our next meeting.

Illahee Preserve Stewardship Meeting (4/16/08) at the Park's Dept Fairgrounds Office

Guests at this meeting were Chip Faver, Dori Leckner, and Martha Droge from the Park's Department. Martha is the newly hired Parks Planner who will be the lead person in charge of the new parking lot for the Illahee Preserve at Almira and Fuson. The group went over the parking lot design and the process needed to complete the work this year. Other issue of interest is the near completion of brochure verbiage to be given to the architectural firm of Rice, Fergus, Miller who are preparing the brochure which will include a trail map. There have been reports of brush pickers in the Preserve, which is an illegal activity. If you encounter any brush picking in the Preserve, please let the authorities and the Stewardship committee members know. Official minutes of the Stewardship Committee meetings are posted on the website when they are approved.

We hope this brief report of these meetings is helpful.

Jim Aho

Monday, April 14, 2008

3 Meetings This Week - 4/14/08

TUESDAY (4-15-08)

11AM -12:30 PM Norm Dicks Center - KC Department of Emergency Management (KCDEM) December 2007 Disaster After Action Symposium to address the county's response to the Dec 2007 storms. In Illahee we had more than our share of problems with this storm even though we received less rain than other parts of the county. Some of us want to express our thoughts with what happened and more importantly, what lessons were learned that will help in the future. More information on this meeting was in the 4/5/08 CK Reporter which you can access by clicking on this link.

6 - 8 PM Sylvan Way Library - Illahee Community Plan - County Experts, Dave Tucker (stormwater), Patty Charnes (natural systems), David Greetham (environmental) will be giving presentations. This should be a very important informational meeting and one that you won't want to miss. These are the county experts who make the decisions on what happens in Illahee.

WEDNESDAY (4-16-08)

6:30 - 8:00 PM Fairgrounds Parks Dept Offices (lower level) - Illahee Preserve Stewardship Committee meeting (open to the public). This is the group that keeps the Illahee Preserve going. They are always looking for new members to help them with the management and oversight of the 460 acres that comprises the Preserve.

If there are any questions on these meetings, please give me a call at 479-1049

Jim Aho

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Important Meeting on Tuesday April 15th - 4/9/08

This is an unofficial update of the Illahee Community Plan meetings.

Last Meeting. There was a good turn out for the Illahee Community Plan meeting last Monday (3/31/08) and some important decisions were made regarding zoning densities, which will be covered in the county's report.

Tuesday's Meeting on 4/15/08 at the Library (6-8 pm) (note that it is at the library rather than the church)

County Experts (for Chapter 4 and 6)

  • Stormwater - Dave Tucker from Public Works
  • Natural Systems - Patty Charnes from DCD
  • Environmental - Dave Greetham from DCD

These are very knowledgeable experts and will be able to answer questions (which they have asked to be emailed to them, via Katrina or Jonathan, prior to the meeting).

Some have suggested that before they answer questions on Tuesday that they respond to our draft Community Plan with what they like about it and which items are problematic for them. We will forward that suggestion on to Katrina.

The topics discussed in Chapter 4 of the Plan are:
  • Saltwater Shorelines
  • Streams, Wetlands, and Frequently Flooded Areas
  • Aquifer Recharge Areas
  • Geologically Hazardous Areas
  • Fish and Wildlife
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
  • Tree Recognition and Preservation
  • Open Space

The topic in Chapter 6 (especially pertinent to Illahee residents following the destruction caused during the Dec 3rd storm)
  • Storm Water

Jim Aho